Putting the pieces of the origami rose bush bonsai tree together. Origami Rose Bush Bonsai This is not so much a tutorial, but rather my experience creating a Bonsai Rose bush. Creating a bonsai rose bush as origami is as much an exercise of creativity, as it it one of skill. Most of the actual origami that goes into a Bonsai tree -- flowers and leaves mostly -- can be found by searching the web for the many video tutorials available. Kawasaki Rose Revisited www.youtube.com Kawasaki Rose Leaves www.youtube.com Materials You'll need to gather a few materials, roughly in the order you'll need them: -20 Gage copper wire (or some other soft flexible wire) -50-100 1 inch strips of news print -1-2 cups of paper mache glue (1:5 flour:water, Stirred briskly, brought to a boil for a minute or two, then cooled before use (add a tsp of salt to prevent mould) -Red, green, and brown tissue foil (you'll need to make this this: tissue, heavy duty kitchen foil, white glue) -Fine brown textured paper for the trunk of the bonsai (or some brown paint) -Small bonsai pot -Small piece of foam for flower arranging -A cup or two of coloured aquarium gravel -A small handful of sheet moss (optional) Tools Small pair of pliers for shaping the copper wire frame Sharp scissors 2" paint roller Pencil & Ruler 1 inch paint brush Thin, blunt stick for shaping Step 1 Plan Find Examples of bonsai trees Create a wireframe frame for the trunk and branches your bonsai tree. Use a thin flexible wire. I use 20 ... Buy Logitech Gaming Headphone Ics Concrete Chain Saw Buy Cheap Washer And Dryer Immediately